Sunday, June 15, 2014

How would you like to constantly stay focused on turning on the power? How would you like to have all your patients get the Big Idea (ADIO)in seconds? How would you like to have all your patients focus on organic? How would you like to attract patients of all ages? How would you like to have all your patients Say "Turn on the Power"? It will cost you $10-12 at Home Depot. You can either buy a very inexpensive, small brass touch-o-matic lamp for $12 or so. Or buy an adaptor (for $10) to insert into your favorite present lamp. I prefer to start using this right at the ROF. After you point out all the analyzed misalignments on the X-Rays, and tell them the difference between misaligned vertebrae vs subluxated vertebrae, you have them touch this lamp.

Before you try this , practice and experiment yourself.  I think you may be surprised just how powerful this real is.  Watch the lamp go on, and get brighter etc.. Then, touch it with a pencil or anything non-metallic. Nothing happens. Chill your hand with an ice pack or something cold, cause someone always gives credit to your body heat. This still turns it on. Finally, hold your hand on the lamp, have your other hand touch a warm body.  Using that other person as a surrogate , you will complete  a circuit of electricity and turn the light on again.  If it fails, there just isn't enough elec. in the arm, so have them contract their fists several times while you continue to try, and walla(.......) you complete the circuit! What we've just done is proven that we are composed of electrical current!!!!!!!!! Now you’re a pro and are ready to have fun, stay focused and watch their eyes open for the first time, not to mention ready to make your patients into referring animals!

Ask "What caused this lamp to go on"?  You'll be surprised on some of the answers.   Right , electricity:))  This is the same electricity that travels down your spinal cord down your arm and  to all parts of  your body.  i.e.. regulates heart rate, body temp., digestion, respiration etc. This is the same electricity that gets short circuited when subluxations exist like right here on X-ray. This is what is causing your headaches , sinus , allergies, high blood pressure as well as your neck pain. "Doesn’t that just make sense?  Then why do you think taking a pill is going to put that bone in alignment and take the pressure off the nerve? That will just mask the symptom. Chiropractors are the only profession trained to detect  and correct pinched nerves.  By correcting the subluxations and pinched nerves, we complete the electrical circuit, prevent sickness and disease and restore the quality of life!!!  Isn't that what you want??  I can't wait to start turning on the power!!

Give your long recommendation confidently and on purpose. You may want to use it again during your re-report, or whenever you hear the word pain. Now let's have you faced down so we can Turn on the power!!!!!!!!! You can also use this opportunity to discuss having their family members, children, spouse, or loved ones come in for a complimentary exam

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